
At over 5 months now, Chloe follows her sister dog, Bailey, like a little white shadow. Chloe 2
She is a very sweet and kind pup that makes you feel like a million bucks! She has drawn Bailey out, who now plays like a dog, again…the way dogs should play! Chloe is observant and obedient, kennels up easily and automatically when it’s bedtime or if I have to leave for a little while. Chloe 1
Much like our black lab mix that has passed on, Chloe loves cardboard, sticks, treats and squeaky toys! Her and Bailey always play an awesome game of fetch, too!I’m head over heals in love with this sweet pup that does nothing but show so much love, hugs and kisses to me. She’s mindful, inquisitive, observant and intuitive. Quite remarkable for such a young puppy!! She was fortunate to have had awesome foster care and teaching. Her adjustments have not been a trial for anyone, at all. Her only hang up… she does NOT like to ride in a car, yet! Her experience in the snow has been such a stitch!!! I need to remember to bring a camera out with me! You all did good bringing Chloe (Charity) up from Arkansas. ALL her foster care has been remarkable. She’s grown so much since coming into our home and I owe the ease of her transition to the grand care she got from the very beginning. Thank you. ~ Shelley