
Phil has quickly become the king of my castle. After a half day hiding out in a closet, he ventured out and has since established himself as the king. Phil 1. He shares my mornings in the bathroom getting ready for work. He meows constantly while I am in the shower and will even place himself on the edge of the tub to make his presence known. And he has a strange fixation with my hairbrush, Phil has also discovered the bed is an excellent time to play with his cloth mice at 3 AM in the morning. Phil 2I routinely wake up to discover a mouse tossed at my face and a couple of paws digging around trying to find it. We’ve had several conversations regarding his respecting hi human’s sleep time but alas he is deaf to my pleas. But how can resist how cute he looks pouncing on those mice?? Phil and I are very happy together! ~ Tracey